Hello and Welcome !

Anchor to Bloom was founded by the love of reading and writing and a keen interest in self-exploration. This website is meant to be like a discussion with a friend on topics like personal development and emotional wellbeing. Our posts are mostly about self-improvement and self-growth. This blog is written for the everyday people, so we dwell in most of the topics on a beginner to intermediate level.

Anchor to Bloom is written for people who are looking for answers, new ways of approaching emotionally challenging topics, new insights on life and for all those who are interested in the workings of the human psyche. A lot of books and websites are written on these topics already, but it is our firm belief that there is always room for the new ideas, new insights, new approaches and fresh new personal perspectives. The world changes continuously and so does the complexity of thoughts and ideas.

We share personal development guides and informative articles, with a focus on self-help and self-care advice. This blog can be engaging and insightful not only in challenging times. Here at Anchor to Bloom we are sharing a modern, easy, lighthearted perspective on personal development and emotional wellbeing topics. Be ready to find here weekly new posts about relatable life experiences, thought provoking ideas and inspiring journaling type blog posts presenting topics from our own individual personal perspectives.

This blog was created to talk about emotional things in a friendly way, and not in an academical approach. We are looking forward to assisting you with your personal journey towards greater success, happiness, health and well being. This blog is here to inspire ideas and to start conversations and hopefully, it is here to stay. Have fun exploring. Enjoy the journey with us as we continue to grow and expand.

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Guess you are wondering by now what this site is all about and if there is something here that is interesting for you right now? Let’s find out :

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this site for me? This site is for you if you want to recover from a bad experience, if you have big dreams, if you feel stuck, if you feel lost, if you are wanting to change professions, if you are having difficulty in relating to other people, if you feel like you are loosing your energy without producing real results in life, if you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle and if you want to live well. It is a usefull online resource that can be accessed whenever you are feeling lonely or you just need a different perspective on your life issues.
  • What can I expect to find here? Good reads, good ideas and freely available articles on personal development and emotional wellbeing. You will find here posts that dive deeper in some of the complex emotional topics and some easy to read lifestyle guides.
  • What do you usually write about? Emotions and Mindsets are the major subject that we regularly touch upon. At Anchortobloom.com we structure and explain the key ideas and core concepts of self-discovery, emotional wellbeing and emotional intelligence. We make a detailed research for information and do our best to organize the large data in an easily readable format.
  • How often you post new materials? Currently, we are updating our sections weekly with new materials and posts. We plan to create monthly coaching materials and some practical, actionable lifestyle guides. Our fist e-book is coming out soon, too.

Content Hub

There’s a lot to learn at Anchortobloom.com. Some of our posts are more personal in style and easy to read, some are philosophical perspectives and more spiritual in nature, and some posts are coaching style, practical and solution oriented.

You can read here posts on a wide variety of subjects within the framework of personal development and emotional wellbeing. The blog is continuously growing with quality content and effective self-help solutions for self discovery, wellbeing, life improvement and personal growth. Do you want to see what the articles are about?


These posts provide educational content, context and big picture perspective over the various fields of emotional wellbeing and mindful living. The popular topics are self-discovery, life design, meditation, journaling and emotional wellness. The site contains articles on improving happiness habits, relationships and lots of post about emotions and emotional wellbeing.

If you are just starting your journey of personal development here below is a list with some of the articles that are good entry points to the rest of the posts in the same category of topics.


motivational quotes
Life design

We tend to avoid on this blog the trend of mindless activity planning, but we do believe in building habits for progressive improvement. The personal development topics in this section relate to productivity and cover mostly the stages and methods of planning, visualizing, story telling and the main steps to inspired productive action.

If you are just getting started in planning your life for productivity and tracking your habits and activities, we think you will find the following simple guides and articles useful :

  • Intentional living and lifestyle design – How to Get Started Designing Your Lifestyle
  • Seasonal Cleansing, seasonal detoxing and renewal – complete introductory guide


relationship recovery

Health and self-care are one of the cornerstones of emotional wellbeing. This lifestyle section has been designed to guide you in making healthier, more mindful life choices. It provides content backed-up with research and science, as well as personal best tips and practices.


We collect and share quotes and affirmations because we just love them. At anchortobloom.com we love quotes and affirmations for their simplicity and their power to encourage you and to make you feel better in just a few minutes. We also like to peak inside the mysterious worlds of dreams, astrology and Feng Shui. Just because we find it interesting and fun. Don’t you?

Here are our most trending quotes collections that can brighten your day:

positive quote
motivational quote

This presentation was just a small sampling of the posts that been written here at AnchortoBloom.com. Feel free to look around for more, but before we leave you for exploring our blog in more depth, there is one more part we would like to highlight.

The Resources and Knowledge Center

This section of the blog is providing you with coaching materials in form of e-books and some practical, actionable lifestyle guides created by us. Sometimes reading online about a challenging and complex topic can de hard. There are so many distractions and often you find yourself jumping form topic to topic instead of going deeper in understanding one issue. Most of the ideas in these guides are presented in our freely accessible posts, but when you want to widen your perspective and knowledge base we find it usefull to have all the data on a topic collected in a booklet or a workbook. In this form you can download the information and use it offline.

This blog section is developing and growing for Your inspiration with:


Let’s connect so you won’t miss our monthly free guides! Follow us on : FACEBOOK

We hope you find AnchortoBloom.com useful. If so then please share, add a link to it on your blog or webpage so others with similar questions and interests can find us too. Thanks for your interest. Have a wonderful day.


We are researching and writing our own materials to help improve people’s lives. Our articles are free and we do our best to research and examine in detail each subject we write about. Still, this is a friendly lifestyle blog, meaning that it acts like a conversation with a friend who read a lot about these things and you listen to their perspective because it can spark some lights in you.

This blog is not the academic, advanced, professional, psychologist space. If you need that kind of professional help, you’d rather contact the websites that deal with lifestyle issues and psychology in a professionally qualified manner. We advice you to contact the information and services offered by experts and professionals.

The texts and materials found in our public posts are free to use for your individual and for basic educational purposes, within limits, of course. When you want to share larger parts of the text or copy full article texts it is nice to provide a backlink, at least! It is recommended to do your copying in a way that copyright is acknowledged and a reference link is included to the exact page/s where the original information can be found. Our materials may not be sold under your name, it cannot be published for profit in any form without express written agreement from us and written permission from the anchortobloom.com blog management.

We are, however, open to collaborate on projects, guest posts, collaboratively written materials and other similar contents for books, e-books, journals, coaching guides, teaching materials, training resources. Please Contact Us for more information through our FACEBOOK page.