Other, Symbols & Dreams

The Symbolic Meaning of the Lotus Flower

lotus flower

There is great spiritual symbolism that is nearly as old as time behind the delicate and lovely lotus flower. Beneath the delicate beauty of the lotus blossom, the plant gives proof of great power and resilience. It is not without reason that the lotus flower is considered one of the most sacred plants in the world. From Hinduism to Christianity all major religions embraced the lotus symbol and use it with great respect. So what is about this simple and graceful flower that makes is so special?

NOTE: Lotus is sometimes colloquially called a water lily. Although the lotus flower and the water lily biologically are two different plants, symbolically that difference is unimportant. When we say or use the image of a lotus, or water lily in this post we refer to them as symbols, and so we use them interchangeably here. The lotus flowers, just like water lilies share the same symbolic meanings.

Short FAQ About the Lotus Symbol

  • What does the lotus flower symbolize? Lotus as a symbol is used in many different cultures to symbolize purity, beauty, grace, overcoming obstacles, healing, regeneration and fertility.
  • What does the symbol of the lotus mean spiritually? The spiritual meanings of the lotus flower include faith, enlightenment, transformation, transcendence, connectivity, liberation and spiritual purity. The lotus is considered to be a sacred flower especially in eastern religions.
  • What does the lotus blossom mean as a jewellery? The lotus continues to be a popular symbol for pendants and jewellery. The lotus blossom pendant stands for purity in the heart, beauty and passion.

What is so special about the lotus flower?

Most of the amazing symbolism that surrounds the lotus flowers is related to it’s natural environment and it’s special life cycle.

The flower blooms in the most unlikely of places such as the mud of murky river waters. Its roots are tough and go deep into the mud. Although the lotus rises above the water, it remains firmly rooted in place. This keeps it strong and stable as the roots can reach up to 6 ft deep. The lotus symbol is reminder of the importance of your roots and where you come from. The lotus is a water flower and has its tough roots in murky waters, yet it doesn’t stay there in the depths. The lotus goes through a transformation in the water to open up, flower and bloom above the surface, facing the sun.

Day by day the lotus flower emerges in the morning, only to close up at night and disappear back into the water. The flower blooms during the day but closes up and retracts into the muddy water when the sun sets. With its roots latched in mud, it submerges every night into river water and miraculously re-blooms the next morning, sparklingly clean. Due to the waxy protection layer on its petals, its beauty is blithely unaffected when it re-blooms each morning. Each morning the lotus flower emerges from muddy waters whilst remaining perfectly clean. It continues to resurrect itself. With this self-cleaning ability and an interesting life cycle of going down and reemerging, it’s no wonder that the lotus holds such symbolism. In many cultures, this process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment.

The flower also has a fascinating regeneration process that is paralleled with fertility and one’s will to live. A lotus seed can withstand thousands of years without water and become able to germinate after this extensive period of inactivity.

History of the lotus flower symbol

Fossil records show that lotus flowers have been in existence for millions of years. They are believed to have survived the Ice Age when most plants from that time went extinct.

In Ancient Egypt, the Lotus Flower was one of the most important religious symbols. It was believed to symbolize the sun, rebirth and regeneration. Ancient Egyptians witnessed the process of the plant and thought that the flower withdrew into the water at night, therefore, the flower came to represent the sun.The ancient Egyptians believed lotuses had the ability to resurrect the deceased.

Common associations for the Lotus flower symbol

Although the lotus flower was used mostly in religious or spiritual context the flower came to be a universal symbol. Everyone can relate to and appreciate the symbolism of the lotus, so its use is not narrowed down to pure spiritual meanings. The main symbolic associations for the lotus as a universal symbol are:

Beauty and purity – although its environment is mainly dirty waters and mud, the flower rises above it all to bloom in beauty. It is reminding us to always notice the beauty in every situation. It appears miraculously clean regardless of the environment. Regardless of the muddy water it is rooted in, the lotus emerges pure and unsullied. No matter how impure its origins, the lotus still manages to bloom. The lotus forms a part of its environment, but it remains detached from, or better said, it integrates and transcends it and is able to beautify the space simply by being there.

Femininity and fertility – Water lilies and lotuses are closely linked to the feminine energy. In ancient cultures various goddesses are depicted holding lotus flowers in their hands. fact, the academic name for the plant is Nymphaea, the word coming from Greek and referring to the nymphs. Some artistic representations use the lotus bud to symbolize purity and virginity. The fully blossoming lotus flowers represent fertility in many cultures. Giving birth is a natural part of the cycle of life, and the lotus embodies this process. Ancient Hindu texts describe the lotus as the “Womb of the Universe”. The lotus seed can germinate easily after centuries of staying dormant that’s why many couples use this symbol to help them conceive.

Power and independence – symbolizes the process of growing and cooperating with the waters surrounding you, while staying true to who you really are. The lotus can also be the representation of integrity, independence and strength.

Transformation, rebirth, new beginnings -The most typical symbolic meaning for the lotus flower is self- regeneration, rebirth and transformation. Lotus is a It is emerging from murky water with clean petals so it is common to use it to represent new beginnings. It is popular to use the lotus flower to symbolize overcoming struggles, peace, good fortune and longevity. Many religious traditions place importance on purity , innocence and enlightenment and use the water lily to symbolize these qualities.

Self-expression and creativity -The lotus also symbolizes the willingness and readiness to bloom no matter the context and the environment.

The Meaning the Lotus Flower in Buddhism

There is a Buddhist proverb stating that :”Living life with unwavering faith, as the lotus does, ensures the most beautiful revivals.” The lotus flower is a prominent motif in Buddhism and it has become the symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of life. The lotus is a sacred flower in Buddhism, representing the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Spiritual awakening – The murky waters of material attachment and physical desire can be overcome and can produce the blossoming, awakened soul. The lotus flower transcends from a murky environment to one that is clear and immaculate. The lotus represents in this context also the purity and the strength of intention and the clarity of thought. This flower and it’s interesting life cycle are the symbols of transcendence and represent the person opening up – like a flower – to the spiritual layers of the existence. Just as the petals of the lotus flower open up forming a beautiful symmetry, so can the human consciousness expand and open up to higher levels of symmetry and complexity.

Enlightenment – Enlightenment can be understood also as the ultimate state of awareness. The open lotus flower therefore symbolizes the fully opened and Enlightened. Buddha and other enlightened beings are often depicted sitting on a lotus flower both in paintings and in architecture. The open lotus is used as a the seat or a throne to represent physical transcendence and reaching the light of wisdom beyond the material existence. Lotus thrones are used as pedestals for many important figures in Buddhist art.

Most Popular uses of the Lotus Flower Symbol

The beautiful meaning behind the lotus flower makes it a good jewellery gift for someone close to you. Someone whom you want to empower and let them know that they are strong and beautiful.

Use of the Lotus in Tattoos

Lotuses have become an increasingly popular tattoo design. .Most of the reasons for lotus tattoos are of course religious. Tattoos are extremely personal to every individual. 

Common reasons for lotus tattoos is that it represent new beginnings. Lotus tattoo can also symbolize your own personal journey and your ability to rise above the challenges and hardships of your past.  A lotus flower is a pretty common choice for tattoos and this roots back to the flower’s ability to come up fresh and beautiful each morning. A lotus tattoo also shows the world that you are generous and open-hearted while strong and rooted and the same time.

Use of the Lotus in Jewelry

A Lotus pendant makes for the perfect gift for any occasion. Giving a gift that uses the lotus symbol represents that you and the receiver have a significant relationship. Below is a list of the editor’s top picks featuring the lotus symbol.

Each Lotus flower color also has its own symbolism.

The lotus comes in a variety of colors, with pink, purple, white, red and blue being some of the most popular. As a whole, lotuses have been considered sacred flowers, and different colors depict different meanings.

  • white lotus symbolizes purity, grace, faith, compassion and openness
  • pink lotus – wealth, good fortune
  • yellow lotus – mostly symbolizes religious beliefs.
  • red lotus flower – is used mostly to represent love, passion and power.
  • blue lotus – is very rare so it represents wisdom, knowledge, transcendence
  • purple lotus – is the symbol of awakening

Wrapping It All Up

The lotus flower is anchored in the dark, the unseen muddy depths and it grows out of that environment into the light to become this gorgeous, visible, enchanting flower, and so do we humans grow and transform. The lotus flower is clearly well deserving of the admiration it receives.

Image credits: Featured image- Lotus flower closeup;

References and further reading

  • symbolsage.com

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